Promises Behavioral Health Editorial Team

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Female nurse experiencing mental strain

Coping with COVID: Managing the Mental Strain

It’s no secret that the impact of COVID-19 has been significant, both to societies and individuals. We’ve had to adjust routines and expectations, take on new responsibilities, and manage stress caused by anxiety and isolation. Some people have had to face the death or serious illness of loved ones or manage their own physical symptoms. The […]

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Woman living with borderline personality disorder and self-harm

Borderline Personality Disorder and Self-Harm

A key symptom of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is that individuals have trouble managing their emotions effectively. They feel things deeply, and their moods may change rapidly. It differs from other disorders involving unstable moods, such as bipolar disorder, in that mood states in BPD may only last a few days or even just a

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a man struggles with bipolar disorder

You Are More than Bipolar Disorder

Whether you have a physical disease or a mental health condition like bipolar disorder, managing your symptoms, especially when your diagnosis is new or not well controlled, is likely to take a lot of your focus and energy. It can take so much of your focus that it can start to seem like it defines

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a woman struggles with alcohol and mental health issues

Does Alcohol Effect Anxiety and Depression?

People drink alcohol for many reasons, including consciously or unconsciously trying to address the symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can work temporarily, which is why people continue to do it. Unfortunately, however, it can be counterproductive over time and leave people more anxious and depressed than before they began to drink.Learn more about co-occurring

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You Can Recover: Finding Life Without Self-injury

You Can Recover: Finding Life Without Self-Injury

Why Do We Hurt Ourselves? If you’re watching someone you love live with a pattern of self-injury, it is easy to feel powerless. No one wants to be stuck in this pattern of behavior. It’s not only upsetting to the person harming themselves, but it can also be frightening and traumatic for the people who love

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Facing the Truth of Self-Harm

Dangerous Coping Mechanisms: Facing the Truth of Self-Harm

Self-harm, also called self-injury, is the practice of intentionally hurting yourself. Individuals can injure themselves in various ways, including cutting, burning, hitting, piercing and pulling out hair. It’s not uncommon, especially for teens and young adults.A large study by the University of Portland of more than 64,000 U.S. high school students found that almost 18%

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What is Bipolar Disorder 2

What is Bipolar Disorder 2?

People with bipolar disorder have swings in their moods that are more intense and often more frequent than usual. There are four types of bipolar disorder, and sometimes people mistakenly believe that bipolar disorder 2 is just a milder version of bipolar 1. However, they’re separate conditions with similar but differing diagnostic criteria.The moods that

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What is Bipolar Disorder I

What is Bipolar 1 Disorder?

Bipolar disorder can significantly affect your life, but it’s treatable, and the sooner it’s treated, the better, so getting a correct diagnosis is important. There are four types of bipolar illness, and all of them involve extreme shifts in mood and energy, but the patterns are different. Patients can have severe, mild or even no

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Everyday Life with Bipolar Disorder

Everyday Life with Bipolar Disorder

Living with a bipolar mood disorder is a challenge. When symptoms aren’t managed, they can affect your relationships, career and nearly every corner of your life. The good news is that bipolar mood disorders have been treated successfully for decades. Evidence-based approaches to managing these conditions put a happy and healthy life well within reach. Bipolar

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3 Reasons Why Low Cost Treatment isn’t Lacking Promises Five Palms

3 Reasons Why Low-Cost Treatment isn’t Lacking

It’s easy to start believing that luxury addiction treatment is better than lower-cost treatment because marketers and advertisers of all types are continually trying to convince us that expensive and high quality is the same thing, but this simply isn’t the case. Low-cost addiction treatment doesn’t mean low-quality care; it often means the opposite because

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