Anxiety Treatment

Is anxiety hereditary?

Is Anxiety Hereditary?

Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their lives. For some, anxiety is a fleeting feeling that comes and goes. For others, anxiety is a chronic and debilitating condition that has a profound impact on their day-to-day lives. But what causes anxiety? Is anxiety hereditary or is it something that we learn from our environment? […]

Is Anxiety Hereditary? Read More »

a woman struggles with alcohol and mental health issues

Does Alcohol Effect Anxiety and Depression?

People drink alcohol for many reasons, including consciously or unconsciously trying to address the symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can work temporarily, which is why people continue to do it. Unfortunately, however, it can be counterproductive over time and leave people more anxious and depressed than before they began to drink.Learn more about co-occurring

Does Alcohol Effect Anxiety and Depression? Read More »

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