Mental Health Treatment

anxious woman standing near a window showing clear signs of drug use

Clear Signs of Drug Use That Often Accompany Mental Illness

Clear Signs of Drug UseMore than 43 million people experience some form of mental illness in a given year in this country. Whether it’s a mild form of anxiety or the severe onset of schizophrenia, mental disorders regularly affect a large portion of the country’s population. Unfortunately, not everyone who is ill seeks professional treatment for mental illness — […]

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woman sitting considering the signs of codependency

Signs of Codependency

In any healthy relationship, there is a continuous give-and-take. At any given time, one partner or the other may need an extra bit of help. This type of dependency is fine. When you hear the term “codependency,” this is not the type of relationship we are talking about. In a codependent relationship, everything is lopsided.

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patients hugging experiencing the benefits of group therapy

Benefits of Group Therapy

People have different needs when they seek help. For some people, one-on-one therapy is all they can respond to, especially in the beginning. Over time, they may feel more confident opening up and be ready for a group therapy program. Some people feel the group setting is more beneficial right from the start as it

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family hugging on couch knowing the stages of addiction recovery

Stages of Addiction Recovery

In 2018, over 21 million Americans needed treatment because of their substance use disorder, whether to drugs or alcohol. Addiction is a chronic disease. Thus, the healing process takes time. Addiction is complex. It involves both physical and psychological elements. Because of this, the stages of addiction recovery will be different for every person. Yet

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couple with therapist, benefits of a family program

Benefits of A Family Program

In both mental health and drug/ alcohol treatment, specialists talk about the benefits of a family program. Addiction is rarely a disease that only affects one person. Family members may even play a role in the continuation of addiction. At Promises Five Palms, it’s important to us to involve family in mental health and substance abuse

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woman and therapist discussing what is dual diagnosis

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

For many people who deal with substance abuse, mental health issues also play a role. People who deal with trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns may be more susceptible to addiction than people who do not deal with these concerns. If you have mental health issues and are struggling with substance use, you

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therapy circle, stress management techniques

Stress Management Techniques

From time to time, life gets overwhelming. Personal issues, work issues, and mental health problems sometimes seem to converge in a way that makes coping hard. If you’re struggling with stress management, you’re not alone. Many people turn to unhealthy ways of dealing with stress. To get through stress in a positive, productive way, you

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friends bowling, fun sober activities

Fun Sober Activities

If you’ve recently decided to get sober, it may feel like a struggle to come up with fun, sober activities! In time, sober activities will become normal, and it will be second nature to exclude substance and alcohol use from recreational activities. While you’re making the transition from your old lifestyle to sobriety, it can

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clothed woman drinking in a bathtub, alcohol and depression

Alcohol and Depression

Many people find that alcohol and depression are a tough combination to beat. The way that alcohol affects the mind can be especially pronounced in people who struggle with clinical depression. If you are struggling with the use of alcohol and depression, you’re not alone. At Promises Five Palms, our counselors understand how easy it

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