A man is wondering whether he is experiencing alcohol use disorder.

How to Recognize Alcohol Dependence

Enjoying a drink or two on special occasions or having a glass of wine or beer with dinner can be relatively harmless for most people. But when alcohol consumption becomes heavier or more frequent, it can lead to dependence or reliance on the substance, which is generally an indication that a person needs to rethink whether alcohol should be a part of their life. Finding the fine line between moderate drinking and alcohol dependence can be a bit confusing, but educating yourself about the difference between the two can help you recognize whether you or someone in your life should consider getting help. 

At My 5 Palms, we understand that it can sometimes be difficult to know whether a person’s drinking is problematic. One person’s “too much” can be another person’s “just enough.” If you are concerned about how much you or a loved one is drinking, get some clarity on whether the behavior is considered an alcohol use disorder (AUD). Consider the signs of alcohol dependence listed below and reach out to us at 1.844.675.1022 if you need the support of our alcohol rehab in Florida

Signs of Alcohol Dependence 

You may not realize when your alcohol consumption has taken a turn toward an addictive pattern. Think about whether these indicators of alcohol dependence apply to you or someone you know: 

Preoccupation with Alcohol 

If your first thought after being invited to an event is whether alcohol will be served, you may have a preoccupation with drinking. People who require alcohol in social settings or refuse to attend events where they cannot drink may be exhibiting alcohol dependence. 

Inability to Moderate Consumption 

If you find it impossible to stick to moderate drinking, which would be up to one drink a day for women or two a day for men, you could be alcohol dependent.  

Increased Tolerance 

An early sign of alcohol dependence is the need for a larger quantity of alcohol to achieve the same level of intoxication. For example, if you normally feel buzzed after one drink but no longer get that feeling unless you have two, your tolerance to alcohol has increased, and you should use that as a sign to carefully practice moderation. 

Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms 

Having a hangover after a night of drinking is one thing, but when you start to experience withdrawal symptoms any time you do not consume it, you could be dealing with alcohol dependence. Some common alcohol withdrawal symptoms are: 

  • Nausea 
  • Sweating 
  • Tremors 
  • Anxiety 
  • Seizures 

Withdrawal symptoms can range in severity, but for those with severe alcohol use disorder, quitting alcohol abruptly without professional support can lead to a deadly form of withdrawal known as delirium tremens (DTs). 

Alcohol Dependence or Alcohol Use Disorder? 

Most people are familiar with the terms alcohol addiction and alcoholism when describing an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. They might even recognize the term alcohol dependence, which refers to a physical or psychological need for a substance. However, as addiction treatment evolves, the terminology and criteria used to determine a diagnosis also change. This is the case for alcohol dependence in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).  

Instead of separating alcohol abuse and dependence from alcohol addiction, this latest edition combines all unhealthy forms of alcohol consumption into one condition known as alcohol use disorder (AUD). AUD is divided into three categories: mild, moderate, and severe. While you will still see the term alcohol dependence used in many places, the term alcohol use disorder is becoming more and more common.  

Call My 5 Palms Today to Enroll in Alcohol Rehab in Florida 

Whether you call it alcohol dependence or alcohol use disorder, you still benefit from reaching out for professional treatment if you experience adverse effects from drinking but cannot quit on your own. My 5 Palms offers alcohol rehab in Florida with options for alcohol detox, inpatient and outpatient treatment, trauma-informed care, and aftercare and alumni programs to help you succeed on your recovery journey for the long term. Reach out at 1.844.675.1022 or through the online form to get started on your path to alcohol-free living today.

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