Person learning about the signs of ADHD in adults while using their laptop

Recognizing Signs of ADHD in Adults

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition often attributed to children struggling to pay attention in school. However, this condition does not go away once one reaches adulthood. It can persist, and without treatment, it can interfere with your work and personal life. Additionally, many adults with ADHD were never diagnosed as children and do not realize that their symptoms are related to this condition. Educate yourself about the signs of ADHD in adults so you can tell whether you or someone in your life has this condition and what type of lifestyle changes and treatment can help with managing ADHD and help you attain a calmer, more focused mind. 

ADHD can be frustrating, but with the proper treatment, it does not have to interfere with your productivity. Reach out to the professionals at My 5 Palms at 1.844.675.1022 to learn how our ADHD treatment program can help. 

How to Spot Signs of ADHD in Adults 

Human attention spans are at an all-time low, but some of this can be attributed to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Some people throw around the term “ADHD” loosely, not truly understanding what the condition is and the impact of its symptoms. To help clear up any misconceptions, here are common signs of ADHD in adults. 

Inability to Focus 

Adults with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, frequently make careless mistakes, have difficulty organizing tasks, and struggle to complete projects. 


Hyperactivity is one of the primary indicators of ADHD in children. This symptom tends to decrease in adulthood—however, adults with ADHD may still seem restless and fidgety, having difficulty staying seated for long periods. 

Difficulty with Time Management 

Adults with ADHD often struggle to manage their time effectively and may lose track of deadlines or be unable to give a rough estimate of how long a task will take them to complete. 

Impaired Emotional Regulation 

Frequent mood swings, impulsive behavior, and difficulty controlling emotions can also be an indicator of ADHD in adults. 

Difficulty Maintaining Relationships 

Since an adult with ADHD may be more forgetful or disorganized, this can create some tension in relationships. 

Tips for Managing ADHD 

If you notice the above signs of adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in yourself or another person, the next step is to learn how to manage this condition more effectively. Here are a few helpful tips for managing ADHD in adults: 

  • Establish a daily routine to create structure in your life. Adopt regular sleep and wake times, eat meals regularly, and keep regular work hours if possible. 
  • Keep a to-do list on a paper calendar or a smartphone app. Write down everything you need to do, both work and personal tasks, to keep everything in one place and help you stay more organized. 
  • Break down tasks into smaller action steps to make them more manageable and less overwhelming. 

In addition to making some lifestyle changes to manage ADHD, it is also beneficial to seek the support of professionals like therapists and doctors. 

Treatment for Adult ADHD 

Treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults typically includes: 

  • Medication to help improve attention span, focus, and impulse control 
  • Behavioral therapy to improve emotional regulation and time management skills 
  • Support groups where you can learn from others with ADHD how to keep symptoms from affecting work or school performance 

Getting a proper diagnosis allows you to access the appropriate treatment, whether you have ADHD or another health condition impacting your ability to focus. Schedule an appointment with a professional to determine whether you have adult ADHD. 

Get Help for ADHD by Calling My 5 Palms in Florida 

Suppose a scattered mind and inability to concentrate make it hard for you to get through work or school. In that case, it may be a sign that you have adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. To get the correct diagnosis and treatment plan, contact My 5 Palms at 1.844.675.1022 or complete our online form to schedule an intake assessment. 

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