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If you’re an adult with ADHD, you know how hard your symptoms can make it hard to live a successful, productive life. If medication hasn’t worked well for you so far, it may be time to consider trying one of the many centers for ADHD treatment. At Promises Five Palms, our mental health treatment programs can help you cope with your ADHD symptoms helping you live a happier, less stressful life. Let’s look at some of the symptoms of ADHD alongside treatments that work well for many of our clients.
What Is ADHD?
ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a non-curable disease that can affect a person’s thoughts and behaviors. They may struggle to pay attention to others or process information differently than other people. While ADHD symptoms can vary widely, many people who have the disorder experience:
Difficulty following directions
- Anxiety, depression, and mood swings
- Relationship problems
- Problems at work, including trouble concentrating, low threshold for anger, and low tolerance for frustration
- Substance abuse and/ or addiction problems
Of course, ADHD symptoms can vary from person to person, so this is by no means an exhaustive list. Stress, life situations, hormonal changes, and age cause symptoms to present in different ways. If you think you may be struggling with adult ADHD, you must seek treatment for your symptoms from a trained professional who understands how ADHD affects the brain. People who struggle with adult ADHD often feel like they’re lazy, unmotivated, or unfocused when nothing could be further from the truth. If you struggle with ADHD, you simply need to learn some different techniques to help you live a healthy, successful life. It is possible to learn to cope with ADHD when you work with qualified centers for ADHD treatment. At Promises Five Palms, our ADHD treatment center has helped many clients find ways to thrive and rise above their symptoms.
ADHD Treatment
You may be hesitant to seek treatment for ADHD. Many people struggling with the disorder believe their problems are their fault. ADHD is real, and there are many different modalities of treatment that can help. Most people who seek help at an ADHD treatment center find a combination of medication and talk therapy is a good fit. If you’ve tried treatment before and haven’t been successful, don’t give up. There is a treatment out there that will work for you – you just need the right therapist to help you find it.
How Promises Five Palms Can Help
At our ADHD treatment center, Promises Five Palms, we understand that each of our clients is unique. We work with you to understand your ADHD symptoms and develop a treatment plan that makes sense for your needs. Our therapies include:
- Traditional counseling
- Family therapy
- Experiential therapy
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Anger management
By searching for centers for ADHD treatment, you’ve made it clear that you’re ready to get help for your symptoms. You deserve to live a life with manageable ADHD symptoms that don’t get in the way of your potential and productivity. At Promises Five Palms, we’re here to make a less stressful life with fewer ADHD symptoms a reality for you.
Call Us Today
If you’re ready to reach out for help, we’d love to hear from you. Call Promises Five Palms today at 1.844.675.1022 to learn more about how our ADHD treatment center can help you get your life on track. ADHD is a part of your life, but it shouldn’t be your whole life. There is hope for a happier, healthier, more productive you. Pick up the phone and make the call to talk with one of our caring counselors today.